Youth Fellowship Present Singles and Married Seminar at The Sacred C&S El-Bethel Shiloh Cathedral

 Are you interested in having a  wonderful marriage as a single, this is an opportunity to learn from the experience counselors on building a successful marriage.

"Young single ladies listen to me. I'm telling you a frank secret. Marriage is different from pulpit. When a preacher mounts the pulpit, he becomes another man. God may still use him even if he is a goat probably because of the eagerly waiting congregation. So don't marry anointing, marry a man. If you marry him because he performs on stage, you are a foolish lady. The gentility of a single man is untested until he marries". - GBILE AKANNI.
Do you believe what he said is right or not? you need to come and experience it yourself

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Posted by Shillohitespunch 
